Angular Forms Tutorial: Template-Driven and Reactive Forms Guide

Learn how to create interactive forms in Angular using both Template-Driven Forms and Reactive Forms. Step-by-step guide with examples for seamless user input, validation, and data collection.

Angular Template-Driven Forms and Reactive Forms Tutorial

Forms are a fundamental part of web applications that enable user interaction and data collection. In Angular, there are two approaches to creating forms: Template-Driven Forms and Reactive Forms. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using both methods to build interactive forms in your Angular applications.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Forms in Angular
  2. Getting Started
  3. Using Template-Driven Forms
    • Step 1: Create a Component
    • Step 2: Create the Template-Driven Form
    • Step 3: Handle Form Submission
    • Step 4: Display the Template-Driven Form
  4. Using Reactive Forms
    • Step 1: Create a Component
    • Step 2: Import ReactiveFormsModule
    • Step 3: Create the Reactive Form
    • Step 4: Create the Reactive Form Template
    • Step 5: Handle Form Submission
  5. Conclusion

1. Introduction to Forms in Angular

Forms play a crucial role in collecting user input and facilitating data interaction. Angular provides two approaches for creating forms: Template-Driven Forms and Reactive Forms.

2. Getting Started

Before diving into form creation, ensure you have Angular CLI installed. If not, you can install it globally using npm install -g @angular/cli. Then, create a new Angular project by running ng new my-forms-app and navigating to the project directory using cd my-forms-app.

3. Using Template-Driven Forms

Step 1: Create a Component

Generate a new component where you'll implement your template-driven form:

ng generate component template-driven-form

Step 2: Create the Template-Driven Form

In template-driven-form.component.html, use Angular directives and binding to create the template-driven form.

<form #myForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()"> <!-- Form controls and validation messages --> </form>

Step 3: Handle Form Submission

In template-driven-form.component.ts, implement the onSubmit() method to handle form submission.

onSubmit() { if (this.myForm.valid) { console.log('Template-Driven Form Data:', this.myForm.value); } }

Step 4: Display the Template-Driven Form

Include your app-template-driven-form component in the desired template file.

4. Using Reactive Forms

Step 1: Create a Component

Generate a new component where you'll implement your reactive form:

ng generate component reactive-form

Step 2: Import ReactiveFormsModule

In your app.module.ts, import ReactiveFormsModule from @angular/forms.

import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; 
@NgModule({ imports: [ // ... ReactiveFormsModule ], // ... }) 
export class AppModule { }

Step 3: Create the Reactive Form

In reactive-form.component.ts, import necessary modules and create your reactive form using FormGroup and FormControl.

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; 
selector: 'app-reactive-form', 
templateUrl: './reactive-form.component.html', 
styleUrls: ['./reactive-form.component.css'] 
export class ReactiveFormComponent { 
myForm: FormGroup; 
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) 
this.myForm =
// Form controls and validation 
onSubmit() { 
if (this.myForm.valid) { 
console.log('Reactive Form Data:', this.myForm.value); 

Step 4: Create the Reactive Form Template

In reactive-form.component.html, use Angular directives and binding to create the reactive form.

<form [formGroup]="myForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()"> <!-- Form controls and validation messages --> </form>

Step 5: Handle Form Submission

Handle form submission in the onSubmit() method.

5. Conclusion

By following this tutorial, you've learned how to create both Template-Driven and Reactive Forms in Angular. Each approach has its strengths and use cases, enabling you to build interactive and user-friendly forms tailored to your application's needs. Harness the power of forms to gather data and provide seamless user experiences in your Angular projects.
